Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hackers of nature

In other words, the posclegom project is for people who like to hack nature, in the same way that Linux programmers are people who like to hack computers. The word "hack" is to be taken in its original, benign meaning.

The Linux programmer is always out there, cunningly looking for new and interesting ways to make a computer do her bidding. Likewise, the posclegomers like to tinker with the molecules that exists in abundance around them, break the molecules into atoms, and Lego the atoms back into new molecules that would serve their purposes better. The only difference is that when the hungry Linux programmer programs the computer to render an entire 3D MacDonald's store on screen, the said Linux programmer is still hungry. However, when a hungry posclegomer assembles a pie out of the carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms that she has obtained from breaking down a bag of freshly mowed lawn ...

Of course, the above exposition is not written to demean the open source software movement in any way. In fact, it could be argued that it is the success of the open source software movement that inspired the posclegom project, and made me so confident that the project will be successful.

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